A minimum of 7 million Americans who took the COVID vaccine in 2021 now have severely damaged hearts, according to Dr. Thomas Levy, who said that number is now likely to reach over 100 million people.
Dr Thomas Levy, a renowned cardiologist and an attorney-at-law who also serves as the contributing editor for the Orthomolecular Medicine News Service and serves as a consultant to LivOn Labs, told Steve Kirsch that the spike protein’s effect on the heart is even worse than previously thought.
In an article, Kirsch highlighted the heart damage in vaccinated pilots, which was revealed in a change to Federal Aviation Administration (“FAA”) guidelines.
Back in 2022, the FAA quietly changed the electrocardiogram (“ECG”) parameters for pilots to accommodate those with cardiac injury, suggesting the deadly shots are causing an unprecedented amount of pilots to fail their screening.
In its updated ‘Guide for Aviation Medical Examiners,’ the FAA widened the ECG parameters beyond the normal range (PR max of 0.2).
According to Kirsch, this range wasn’t widened by a little, it was a lot.
“The cardiac harm of course is not limited to pilots,” Kirsch explained in his article.
“My best guess right now is that over 50 million Americans sustained some amount of heart damage from the shot.”
The following are excerpts taken from ‘Myocarditis: Once Rare, Now Common’ by Dr. Thomas Levy.
This essay was the basis of the discussion in the video above.
As an actively practising clinical cardiologist for many years in three different communities, Dr. Levy knew about myocarditis – he just never saw it. Quite literally, he recalls seeing ONE, just one case. Now, active clinical cardiologists are seeing myocarditis patients on a regular basis – it has become genuinely common.
Covid and Myocarditis
Scientific literature indicates that myocarditis is occurring quite frequently in patients harbouring the chronic presence of the covid-related spike protein. This is being seen in many individuals with persistent chronic covid, many of whom have been vaccinated, as well as in a substantial number of individuals who have been vaccinated and have never contracted covid.
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A study in mice showed that the injection of the mRNA vaccine, which produces the spike protein, reliably induced myopericarditis. Regardless of the initial source of exposure to spike protein, it appears to be the reason for the pathology and symptoms seen in chronic covid.
While not yet clearly documented by any well-designed studies in the medical literature, a great deal of anecdotal information indicates that vaccine mRNA shedding can occur.
And once transmitted, the mRNA directly leads to spike protein production. Such mRNA shedding means that the spike protein is indirectly, if not directly as well, transmissible from one individual to another via inhalation or various forms of skin contact.
While many try to dismiss such an “exposure” as too minimal to be of clinical consequence, such an assertion cannot be assumed to be true when dealing with an agent – the spike protein – that appears capable of replication once it gains access to the body.
Myocarditis, which simply means inflammation of some or all of the muscle cells in the heart, can occur when the spike protein binds to the blood vessels in the heart, to the muscle cells themselves, or both.
Chest X-ray, electrocardiogram (“ECG”), and echocardiogram can all be used to help establish the diagnosis of myocarditis. An elevated troponin level on blood testing is extremely sensitive in picking up any ongoing heart muscle cell damage, and some elevation of this test will always be seen if any significant inflammation is present in those muscle cells.
The very high sensitivity of the troponin test has revealed that there are countless numbers of people post-covid infection and/or post-vaccination that are continuing to have sustained subclinical degrees of myocardial inflammation.
No matter how minimal the elevation of the test, any increase means that a gradual and continued loss of heart muscle function will occur over time. It also means that the heart is highly susceptible to an acute and potentially severe worsening of heart function when an additional exposure to more spike protein occurs, as is seen with the booster shots being vigorously promoted now.
Many abnormal troponin tests eventually resolve completely and many do not. The quality of nutrition, the strength of the immune system, and the quality of the nutrient/vitamin/mineral supplementation being taken are all critical factors in determining whether a minimal, subclinical degree of inflammation in the heart is capable of completely resolving with a return of the troponin level into the reference, or normal, range.
In a recent Swiss study yet to be published at the time of this writing [5 January 2023], troponin levels were measured on 777 hospital employees who received a booster injection after having received two injections previously.
On the third day after the booster, troponin levels above the upper limits of normal were seen in 2.8% of those subjects.
By the next day, half of the elevated troponin levels had come back into the normal range. Longer-term follow-up data was not available. Rather than be concerned that some myocardial damage was done by the vaccine, which is openly acknowledged in the study, it is dismissed as being of no importance since half of the elevated troponins resolved 24 hours later. And, as with all of the current papers downplaying the significance of any vaccine side effect, however significant, the authors always conclude that the vaccine is doing much more good than harm without any further qualification as to why such a conclusion is valid.
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Having even the most minimal elevation of troponin not only raises the concern of some collective long-term heart damage, or the ease of having a “re-flaring” of inflammation with new spike protein exposures, as from a booster shot, it also raises the concern of electrical instability in some of the inflamed myocardial cells.
There is always a possibility of electrical instability in any inflamed myocardial muscle cells, as it is their normal physiological nature to transmit electrical impulses from one cell to the next.
Because of this, stressful events that release surges of adrenalin and catecholamines in the circulation, as is seen with peak physical exertion, can readily provoke such electrically unstable cells into starting, and sustaining, an abnormal heart rhythm.
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Literally hundreds of European soccer players have died or collapsed on the field of play in the last two years.
Of note, they have not been seen to collapse while standing or sitting on the sidelines. Similarly, any pilot with even a minimal but otherwise symptom-free elevation of troponin can potentially sustain such a life-threatening arrhythmia when a significant stress-provoking emergency arises in the cockpit.
Covid, Arrhythmias, Heart Block, and Pilots
The PR interval is the amount of time that the heartbeat takes to traverse the atrial chambers in the heart before reaching the conduction-accelerating AV node. The normal PR interval ranges from 0.12 to 0.2 seconds.
In the setting of the pandemic, it is of particular concern when PR interval prolongation is seen for the first time following a bout of covid and/or following a vaccination. This is a clear indicator of new inflammation in at least some of the heart cells, however minimal it may be. Regardless, it should not just be assumed to be of no importance.
However, ignoring the inherent pathology in a pandemic-induced prolonged PR interval is exactly what the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) appears to have done.
The FAA decided to change the rules, disregarding long-standing parameters of normalcy based on medical science and not convenience. The FAA has now declared a PR interval of 0.3 seconds to be the “new normal” in the FAA Guide for Aviation Medical Examiners as of October 2022. The October, 2021 standards asserted the PR interval was normal only at 0.2 seconds or less. An interval of 0.3 seconds represents a “permissible” increase in this interval by over 100% relative to the low normal interval of 0.12 seconds. This is not a nominal increase in PR interval, but a very large one.
Covid, Blood Clots, and D-dimer Levels
An elevated D-dimer test is always a cause for GREAT concern. It is clear-cut evidence that there is an ongoing spike protein presence binding ACE2 receptors in the inner lining – endothelium – of blood vessels in the body, resulting in platelet activation and subsequent blood clotting. Blood clots can range from microscopic to massive. Such clotting can also be part of a myocarditis presentation, although not necessarily so.
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Both the covid vaccine and the covid infection have been documented to cause increased blood clotting and thrombosis. Viral infections in general have also been found to cause abnormal blood clotting. In critically ill hospitalised covid patients, elevated D-dimer levels were found about 60% of the time. When the underlying infection or other pathology can be resolved, D-dimer levels will generally resolve as well.
While the pandemic has given more attention to D-dimer testing than it ever had before, other conditions can cause a D-dimer elevation.
However, anyone today who is not acutely ill but found to have an elevation of their D-dimer levels is likely suffering from the consequences of persistent spike protein presence in their vasculature, whether due to lingering covid infection and/or due to having received one or more covid vaccinations.
And even if such an individual never had covid or received a vaccination, an extensive medical evaluation is warranted, since a D-dimer elevation is never normal. A persistently elevated D-dimer levels should never be dismissed as inconsequential just because the patient feels well.
Therapeutic Recommendations
Quite simply, the goal is to normalise both troponin and D-dimer levels in everyone under treatment. There is no one set protocol for dealing with a persistent spike protein syndrome with elevated troponin and/or D-dimer levels.
Nearly all of the elevated troponin and D-dimer levels at this point in the pandemic will be secondary to persistent spike protein presence in the body following covid infection, one or more covid vaccinations, or both.
The likely ease of spike protein transmission also means there will be some individuals who have elevated test levels without having knowledge of ever having been infected, and without a history of vaccination. In other words, these tests should be performed in everyone at this point in time, and any elevations should be aggressively treated.
The following recommendations apply to an individual with elevated troponin and D-dimer levels, or with either one elevated and the other normal. This protocol, and all variations thereof, should be administered with the guidance of a licensed healthcare professional. Below is a skeleton of the protocol, for a more detailed description of dosages etc please see the original article HERE.
Intravenous vitamin C and hydrocortisone. Alternatively, vitamin C orally and hydrocortisone or sodium ascorbate in juice three times daily and hydrocortisone.
Follow each vitamin C infusion with a separate infusion of methylene blue.
Hydrogen peroxide nebulisations as tolerated.
Any, or all, of the following nutrient/vitamin/mineral supplements for general support of long-term health:
Vitamin C
Magnesium chloride
Zinc and quercetin
Vitamin D
Vitamin K2
Olive leaf extract
Multivitamin, multimineral preparation that has no added calcium, iron, or copper
Nattokinase, lumbrokinase, and/or serrapeptase to minimize any future blood clotting problems
At the discretion of the healthcare professional, any of the following measures can be added:
Ozonated blood or ozonated saline infusions
Ultraviolet irradiation treatments of the blood
Intravenous infusions of hydrogen peroxide
Hyperbaric oxygen treatments
Chlorine dioxide treatments
Hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine
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