Biden Summoned to ‘Crisis Meeting’ With Obama, Democrat Elites, Insider Says

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Former president Barack Obama has called President Joe Biden to a “crisis meeting” following his “train wreck” debate performance, which is currently sending Democrats and left-wing media into a state of panic.

According to hedge fund owner and major Democrat donor Doug Kass, Biden’s meeting with Obama also involves Biden’s former Chief of Staff, Ron Klain.

Kass claims the only person holding up the “switch” is First Lady Jill Biden, who is demanding that her husband be kept on the ticket.

Kass also revealed that Vice President Kamala Harris is “furious” that she is not being considered a replacement for Biden.

The Democrat donor also claimed that California Governor Gavin Newsom and Gretchen Whitmer are among those being considered to replace Biden.

While it’s no secret that Obama was appalled by Biden’s diabolical debate performance, he tried to brush it off as a “bad night” to quell media speculation.

As you may recall, Obama once said, “Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to fuck things up.”

Indeed, Obama wasn’t wrong.

Joe has definitely “f**ked things up.”

According to other reports, top Democrats are giving Biden one week to prove himself fit for the presidency, or they will remove him.

As of writing, Biden is currently being trashed by his own supporters, media cohorts, and Democrats.

Biden’s puppet strings are about to be cut.

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