Billionaire Bill Gates believes he is killing two birds with one stone by targeting the food supply with his DNA-altering poison.
That’s right, Gates thinks she has the ultimate solution to fight “climate change” and ensure those who resisted taking the COVID shots have it in their bodies by next year.
The multibillionaire recently partnered with UKAid, a fund designed to reduce poverty and control food sources for the world’s poorest, donating tens of millions in a push for genetic modification (GM) of farm animals.
“It’s not just about agriculture and food supply systems, but about politics, governance, conflict, environmental change – so many different aspects of it,” said Geoff Simm, a professor from the university.
“It is a scheme designed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and World Economic Forum (WEF) to usher in the Great Reset by taking over management of agriculture, both livestock and plants, wild lands and the animals that live in them,” the Expose reported.
Gates also invested $40 million in developing livestock vaccines across Africa and South Asia through the Global Alliance for Livestock Veterinary Medicines (GALVmed).
More recently, Gates rolled out yet another product aimed at reducing the world’s population: the dairy cow feed additive “Bovaer,” which reduces methane emissions from cows by 27%.
“So one is to vaccinate the cows in a way that their gut bacteria that emit the methane, which is also called natural gas or CH4, which is the second most important greenhouse gas, you can vaccinate them and that species of bacteria isn’t there,” Gates said.
“Their [cows’] stomachs are very special because they can eat grass. It’s a three-stage fermentation process, basically. There’s another way you can change what they eat, and you could either put that in their water or their feed. There is a drug to change the microbiome, not a vaccine, but a drug. That looks very promising.”
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Bill Gates: "Cows are about 5% of global emissions, which is pretty unbelievable. Wild. And if your goal is to get to zero, you don't get to skip the cows or the steel or the cement or any of those big areas. So there's a whole class of solutions of making meat without cows."…
— Camus (@newstart_2024) November 17, 2024
However, after some research into the product’s safety profile, a warning says it “may damage male fertility.”
Gates convinced Governments to add mRNA to essential and everyday food items, a move that aims to solve the vaccine hesitancy problem.
The billionaire declared that the future of vaccination would not involve needles but would be more like drinking a glass of water or eating a meal.
“We will soon be eating DNA altered, sickened animals from the same mRNA jabs contributing to the ‘Died Suddenly’ pandemic,” warned a Twitter account called “DJ Freedom Rocket.” “What could possibly go wrong …”
RELATED: Bill Gates Demands ‘Death Panels’ for Vaccine Injured
“Are you aware of reports that Pharma now is looking to inject mRNA into foods?” this same account asked. “Into fruits and veggies? Into animal feed? Into fake vaccines for farm animals. Malthusians intend to poison our food supply.”
Bill Gates is taking away humanity’s God-given right to eat healthy, nutritious food by genetically altering and injecting poison into them.
“Apart from the obvious financial return on his investment, why else would Gates be interested in genetically engineering livestock? While we don’t know the inner workings of the minds of the globalists, we could consider a couple of theories which, ultimately, end with the same result – ownership, and control by a few self-appointed elites with Gates as their frontman,” the Expose’s Rhoda Wilson commented.
Meanwhile, Gates and Jeff Bezos have poured tens of millions into developing synthetic meat, bankrupting farmers across the U.S. in the process.
Bezos’ charitable organization, the Bezos Earth Fund (BEF), announced this week that it will spend a whopping $60 million on research and development of “alternative proteins,” or “plant-based and food-technology alternatives to animal protein.”
The BEF’s new funding commitment is part of its $1 billion campaign to transform food systems to “fight climate change.”
“Alternative proteins are an imperative if we are to stay within planetary boundaries, if we are to feed 10 billion people within those boundaries,” Andy Jarvis, the director of the BEF’s “Future of Food” initiative, told Bloomberg.
We must resist the war on our food at all costs.
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