Final Battle Cry: Why Elon Musk’s X Must Win War Against Censorship

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Elon Musk has become a warrior-like symbol in the ongoing fight against social media censorship, as his company X braces for yet another full frontal assault from the digital entities looking to wipe out free speech forever.

Cast your mind back to five years ago when Twitter was a cesspit for the ‘woke’ elite talking points, where conservative accounts were purged daily, and the only reason to log on was to see what President Donald Trump had tweeted.

A lot has happened since then.

We’ve now through the explosive ‘Twitter files’ that the FBI had its employees working at the company, and as Musk put it, the platform was being run like a leftist “activist organization.

Twitter was, and still is, a tool that shape the narrative and public opinion. That is why the powers that be, or increasingly ‘weren’t,’ are scrambling to destroy the platform before it completely turns the game against them.

In the last few months, Musk found himself being accused of antisemitism while advertisers jumped ship, with the help of media matters manipulating and outright lying about data.

Not one to stand idle, Musk launched a counterattack, suing Media Matters for defamation and threatening to sue the Anti-Defamation League.

This eventually cumulated with Elon Musk telling advertisers, “Go f*ck yourself,” a viral piece of internet history that may well be looked back on hundreds of years as the final battle cry before the ‘good guys’ destroyed the censorship regime.

That might be wishful thinking, but in the fog of war, nobody knows the actual outcome until the war is over.

Musk, the world’s richest man, has been put against the woke cartel, which is fascinating and demonstrates a turning point in how the game is played.

The pivotal moment of this censorship war was when Musk welcomed Alex Jones onto the platform.

Jone was restored after Musk conducted a public poll, resulting in 70% of X users voting for the InfoWars host’s return.

Musk’s reputation as a free speech warrior was already cemented earlier this year after 50 human rights groups, journalists, and commentators called on him to “harness” the social media platform to combat “threats to free expression often come at the hands of businesses treating employees unfairly for sharing their views.

On Aug. 5, 2023, X post, Musk announced, “If you were unfairly treated by your employer due to posting or liking something on this platform, we would fund your legal bill. No limit.”

Musk was responding to a letter cosigned by Babylon Bee CEO Seth Dillon; Alliance Defending Freedom International CEO Paul Coleman; Nile Gardiner, a former aide to former U.K. Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher; and academics from Oxford, Cambridge and other universities, Fox News reported.

“Even more insidious is the mounting trend of government suppression of speech with the imposition of serious penalties, and even criminal sanctions, for free expression,” the letter says.

“For a truly comprehensive response to free speech restrictions, our request is that you extend this important offer to cases of state-driven censorship,” the signatories wrote.

“Free speech is broadly protected by every major human rights treaty; however, in the West, speech increasingly is targeted by ‘hate speech’ laws. In other regions, blasphemy laws target minority groups, sometimes with the sentence of death. These repressive laws are two sides of the same coin – both punish those who speak out against state-approved views,” the letter states.

“Given your commitment to free speech and unrivaled capacity to effect change, we ask that you harness X to make clear that no one should be punished under the law for peaceful expression on X or any platform,” the letter says.

“If X is to be a free marketplace of ideas, everyone must be able to peacefully debate the issues of our time without fear of government punishment,” the letter says.

Musk has made strides since this letter was written, and while X may be well on the way to winning the current battles against the anti-free speech arms of the woke elite, it needs to win the war against the social media censorship complex.

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