CNN Admits Fully Vaxxed Are Dying, Claims Shots Are Still ‘Effective’

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Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, CNN was at the forefront of pushing the vaccines to “save people’s lives,” but now it seems the network has changed its tune three years on.

In a recent headline, CNN writes, “Why vaccinated people dying from COVID-19 doesn’t mean the vaccines are ineffective.”

The headline is almost a veiled admission to being wrong.

In 2021, the network covered a study claiming that a single dose of Pfizer’s mRNA (modRNA) injection provides “strong protection for those who’ve had COVID-19.”

Months later, CNN claimed that those who took the vaccine could safely go indoors without wearing a face mask.

Months later, CNN ran the following headline counteracting its previous story:

“CDC updates guidance, recommends vaccinated people wear masks indoors in certain areas”

CNN later told its readers that if they listened to the earlier guidance, the protection would not last as long as initially claimed.

“Vaccine protection against COVID-19 wanes over time, especially for older people, CDC says

CNN told its readers then later told its readers that taking the Johnson & Johnson one-and-done format was no longer enough and that jab recipients would now need a second dose

Weeks later, Tony Fauci recommended a third dose, and CNN repeated his recommendations as scientific fact.

Months later, CN began pushing people to take a fourth dose, claiming the CDC said to do this.

It finally concluded with an Oct. 19, 2021, headline entitled:

“Why vaccinated people dying from COVID-19 doesn’t mean the vaccines are ineffective.”

That escalated quickly.

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The headline was lost on X users.

“They changed the scientific and medical definition of vaccine and immunization in late 2021,” someone wrote on X about this.

“MSM changes any definition to fit their narrative like the definition of a woman, etc.,” wrote another.

Another joked about the network’s contradictory content.

“It went from ‘safe and effective’ to ‘well, you’ll die, but you’ll go to heaven’ at warp speed.”

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