Biden Govt Spent $1 BILLION in Taxpayer’s Money Trying to Convince Americans the Deadly COVID Shots Were “Safe and Effective”

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The Biden regime used billions of tax dollars to help push COVID propaganda in order to convince Americans to facilitate their demise with the deadly vaccine.

That’s right, not only did they want you dead, they made you pay for the privilege too.

A new report from the U.S. House of Representatives on the federal Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) COVID-19 narrative throughout the “pandemic” found that HHS spent nearly $1 billion to propagandize the country into getting jabbed, wearing masks, and living in complete fear.

“If a pharma company had run the campaign, it would have been fined out of existence,” writes Jayanta Bhattacharya for the Brownstone Institute about how serious the Biden regime’s offenses were.

HHS utilized a public relations (PR) firm called the Fors Marsh Group (FMG) to maximize COVID-19 jab uptake by spreading lies about the mortality risk while downplaying the fact that no evidence exists to show COVID jabs do anything to stop disease transmission.

“Based on reports shared with the Committee, FMG spent an average of over $20 million per month for the design and execution of the Campaign,” the report states.

“In its proposal for the task order, the company asserted that it could benefit ASPA by using a strategic mix of paid and earned media with exclusive radio partnerships, research-based messaging, and reinforced messaging from trusted influencers, celebrities, and sports figures.”

“FMG’s Campaign strategies were grounded in several theories of behavior change and communication, ‘with the expectation that exposure to Campaign messages prompts a change in cognitions antecedent to Campaign-targeted behavior,'” the report adds.

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“The health belief model, used by the Campaign, posits that ‘a person’s belief in a personal threat of an illness or disease together with a person’s belief in the effectiveness of the recommended health behavior or action will predict the likelihood the person will adopt the behavior.'”

The FMG leveraged tools to hoodwink the American people into believing that taking the position was the “cure.”

The “pandemic” also allowed globalists to seize control over even more of America’s wealth and freedom.

It was a simple strategy – push fake science from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to convince the population that the deadly chemicals they were putting in their bodies were the solution to “saving lives.”

“The report details the CDC’s mask flip-flopping through the years. It’s especially infuriating to recall the CDC’s weird, anti-scientific, anti-human focus on masking toddlers with cloth masks into 2022,” the Brownstone Institute explains.

“President Biden’s Covid advisor Ashish K. Jha waited until Dec. 2022 (right after leaving government service) to tell the country that ‘[t]here is no study in the world that shows that masks work that well.’ What took him so long?

“In 2021, former CDC director Rochelle Walensky rewrote CDC guidance on social distancing at the behest of the national teachers’ union, guaranteeing that schools would remain closed to in-person learning for many months.”

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