Bill Gates Demands ‘Death Panels’ for Vaccine Injured: ‘They’re a Drain on The System’

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Billionaire Bill Gates called for “death panels” to be used to end the lives of sick and unhealthy people amid soaring medical costs from those who received COVID vaccines.

Those who haven’t already died from the deadly shots are now a “drain on the system” due to being “severely disabled,” according to Gates.

During an appearance at the G20 Summit in Bali, Indonesia in 2010, the unelected world health czar said death panels would be “necessary in the near future in order to end the lives of sick and unwell people due to ‘very, very high medical costs.'”

Even back then, Gates already knew what was coming.

That’s right, not only is Gates making billions from the deadly vaccines, he’s also making sure that those who are left unable to function in society don’t stick around and become a financial liability for Big Pharma.

Watch below what Bill Gates said about “death panels:”

Gates’s language mirrors that of the World Economic Forum regarding euthanasia and also that of Canadian Prime Minster Justin Trudeau’s Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) program.

RELATED: Australia on Verge of ‘Irreversible Population Collapse’ as mRNA Jabs Destroys Fertility Rates

Just last week, Disswire highlighted the Canadian authoritarian Government’s agenda to kill off its own citizens rather than pay out billions in insurance compensation for those injured by the COVID-19 vaccine.

Trudeau’s Government’s plan eliminate large portions of its population comes amid soaring death rates among those who received the deadly mRNA booster shots.

Meanwhile, Insurance companies across the world are going bankrupt due to the tsunami of deaths from the COVID jabs.

According to a report from “Richard’s Substack,” the tsunami of death as a result of the shots will be soon followed by mass destruction of the economy.

“Governments, public health ministries, and Big Pharma are not talking about what is coming – because they are deeply complicit in despicable, genocidal crimes – but there are a number of prominent, world-class medical scientists explaining what is in the cards over the next few years: a tsunami of death, due to the billions of so-called Covid-19 vaccines that were injected into hordes of victims in countries all over the world,” the report reads.

The article, which cites Dr. Dolores Cahill, says the mRNA vaccinated will be dead within three to five years, “even if they have had only one injection.”

“Too many people are dying,” Sauder writes.

“The normal actuarial tables no longer apply.”

RELATED: Top Cardiologists Now Admitting COVID Vaccines Causes Heart Attacks

If the insurance industry collapses, so will the global financial industry, as insurance companies are an integral component.

“It appears that casket and coffin manufacturers, funeral homes, morticians, morgues, graveyards, cemeteries, backhoe operators and grave diggers, crematoriums and the like will have plenty of work – if they can avoid dying themselves!” Sauder says.

“Other industries and the great bulk of the workforce will take it on the chin.”

The collapse of immunity among the fully vaccinated, which has already resulted in widespread global turbo cancer, heart attacks, and strokes, is already overwhelming hospitals.

“You will see what will happen, for example, in the next coming weeks … is more and more cases of more serious long COVID,” Belgian virologist Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche recently warned.

It’s clear what Gates and his WEF globalist overlords want for the world’s population – mass murder.

RELATED: Pfizer Whistleblower Leaks Disturbing List of Vaccine Ingredients Previously Hidden from Public

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