Bill Gates has secured over $6 million in “seed funding” to literally cut down billions of trees across the world and bury them in an effort to combat global warming.
The new initiative is called “Breakthrough Energy” and will do precisely the opposite of what Gates purports to achieve.
Where does Gates find these so-called scientists?
Over the next ten years, the U.S. Forest Service is gearing up to “thin out” 70 MILLION ACRES of forest in the Western United States, with a large portion of it in California.
According to Gates, this will reduce carbon dioxide levels and improve air quality.
Yes, really.
Of course, nobody stands to gain from this part from Gates.
No new homes will be constructed, and no firewood will be produced to help families survive harsh winters, not to mention the fact the world will transform into a giant hell scape devoid of natural beauty.
It’s not about helping humanity, its about destroying ecosystems and accelerating Gates’s dystopian vision of reducing the global population.
Trees are the lungs of the earth. So why would flattening forests and burying the remains help humans?
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That’s right, it wouldn’t.
Gates is funnelling millions into this bizarre plan to chop down and bury trees, claiming it will reduce atmospheric carbon dioxide.
This is being spun as a legitimate business model because it ties into the lucrative carbon offset market.
Kodama Systems is one of the players involved in this bizarre venture.
What they are telling you: Dead trees trap carbon dioxide for thousands of years if buried properly
What they are really trying to do is: destroy trees, destroy humanIty, and bury both underground
Kodama Systems, a forest management company based in Sonora, California, has been quietly operating for years, avoiding public scrutiny.
Now, with Bill Gates’s backing and reports surfacing from outlets like MIT Technology Review, the company has raised about $6.6 million to promote a plan that seems intent on dooming humanity.
Adding to this madness, Stripe, the payments processing company, is offering a $250,000 research grant to support the carbon burial scheme.
Trees will be interred in the Nevada desert, rendering the wood unusable.
They claims this will curb greenhouse gas emissions—because cow farts and decomposing trees are destroying the planet.