If Bill Gates‘ plan to block the Sun’s rays from reaching Earth wasn’t already insane enough, a team of scientists is now planning to help his efforts with a new “geoengineering technique” to completely dehydrate the stratosphere, stripping it of all its water vapor.
Water vapor is important to Earth. Not only does it trap heat from the Sun, making the planet liveable, but its complex molecules also absorb heat radiated from Earth’s surface, re-radiating it back to the planet.
According to researchers led by Shuka Schwarz of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), water vapor in the stratosphere plays a major role in trapping heat from the Earth’s surface.
These scientists somehow believe that tampering with Earth’s temperature will not have any consequences. Or perhaps they do, and that’s the point?

And if their experiment goes wrong? Well, Gates and the elites can all disappear into their luxurious underground bunkers while the rest of us fry on the surface.
Science.org reports:
By targeting rising, moist air and seeding it with cloud-forming particles right before it crosses into the stratosphere, geoengineers could cool the world with an intervention far more delicate than other schemes.
Drying the stratosphere might take as little as 2 kilograms of material a week, says Shuka Schwarz, the study’s lead author and a research physicist at the Chemical Sciences Lab of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). “That’s an amount of material that helps open the mind to imagine a whole bunch of possibilities.”
“Intentional stratospheric dehydration,” as it’s called, could only cool the climate moderately, offsetting roughly 1.4% of the warming caused by increased carbon dioxide over the past few hundred years.
But for geoengineers who have talked about cooling the planet by loading the stratosphere with thousands of tons of reflective particles, “it’s clearly a new idea,” says Ulrike Lohmann, an atmospheric physicist at ETH Zürich. “This is something that could work.”
The scheme relies on a key fact: Only a few places in the world are hot enough to generate the powerful updrafts needed to lift air into the stratosphere, which begins between 9 and 17 kilometers above the surface, depending on latitude. The most important of these portals is found above the western equatorial Pacific Ocean, in a region roughly the size of Australia.
Along its upward journey, much of the water condenses into clouds and rains out of the air. But in the past decade, NASA used a high altitude, jet-powered drone to study the cold layers just below the stratosphere and found plenty of air masses moist enough to form clouds, but lacking in particles that would allow the moisture to condense into ice crystals and ultimately rain.
“It’s a question of chance, whether they get to this coldest spot on their journey and there’s enough cloud nuclei left to do anything,” Schwarz says. The NASA studies also found that this moisture was concentrated: Just 1% of the air parcels explored accounted for half of the water that could end up in the stratosphere.
In a simple model, the team simulated injecting bismuth triiodide, a nontoxic compound used in lab studies of ice nucleation, into the 1% areas most ripe for water harvesting. In an optimistic scenario, just 2 kilograms a week of seeds 10 nanometers in diameter would be enough to convert those moist air parcels into clouds, they found. Such an amount could be sprayed by balloons or drones, with no airplane needed.
However, critics have sounded the alarm about the huge risks associated with stratospheric manipulation.
Atmospheric chemist Daniel Cziczo at Purdue University warned that such geoengineering techniques could inadvertently form cirrus clouds, causing the planet to heat up instead of cooling it.
The news comes on the heels of Bill Gates sending particles into space in order to reflect sunlight out of Earth’s atmosphere and “cool the Earth” down.
The Stratospheric Controlled Perturbation Experiment (SCoPEx) will inject “non-toxic” calcium carbonate (CaCO3) into the Earth’s atmosphere to offset global warming.
However, the European Union recently assessed the risk involved in such geoengineering technology, noting the dangers it poses to humans on the Earth’s surface.
According to the document, “These technologies introduce new risks to people and ecosystems, while they could also increase power imbalances between nations, spark conflicts and raise a myriad of ethical, legal, governance and political issues.”
Meanwhile, sane climate scientists warn that such efforts from Gates and other elites would cause adverse side effects, including altering vital rain patterns and wreaking havoc with the weather and ecosystem.
The elites are so determined to block the Sun, they recently announced plans to launch massive umbrellas into space.
Climate scientists are sending large parasols above the Earth’s atmosphere to block out the Sun’s rays. That’s right, to stop “climate change.”
Dr. Yoram Rozen, a professor and the director of the Asher Space Research Institute at Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, said they are currently in the process of launching prototypes.
“We can show the world, look, there is a working solution, take it, increase it to the necessary size,” Rozen said.