Florida Woman, 23, Left Blind After Being Forced to Take 3 Vaccine injections

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A 23-year-old Florida woman has had her entire life destroyed after doctors forced her to take three vaccine injections in one day.

The shocking video, released by the Children’s Health Defense (CHD), shows Alexis Lorenze providing an update about her condition.

Lorenze suffered horrific bruising all around her forehead and face, losing her vision.

She did not want to take the shots. Still, she was forced to in order to o receive a necessary blood transfusion for a rare autoimmune disorder called Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria, or PHD, the New York Post reported.

“The extremely rare condition affects approximately one in a million people, causing the immune system to attack and destroy red blood cells,” reports explains.

After Lorenze traveled miles across the country to receive the blood transfusion., she was told they needed to first inject her all at once for tetanus, pneumonia, and meningitis, otherwise she would be refused her r transfusion.

Within just 10 minutes of getting injected, Lorenze’s jaw locked up, her vision darkened in both of her eyes, and she began vomiting

“While it’s usually safe for most people to get these vaccines together, in her case, the immune response could have been too much and led to complications,” commented Dr. Raj. Dasgupta, chief medical advisor for Fortune Recommends Health.

“To avoid overloading her system, it would be reasonable to space out the vaccines and closely monitor for any worsening symptoms.”

Thankfully, it looks like Lorenze is said to be doing a lot better.

Earlier this week, she uploaded a video update on the improvements.


“Poor girl,” someone commented on Twitter / X.

“I am glad she has gotten some help. I hope she recovers ok.”

Another X user shared the following update to the Federal Register: