Kamala Harris’ VP Pick Tim Walz Has DEEP TIES to Communist China

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Kamala Harris‘ decision to select Tim Walz as her running mate has ignited serious national security concerns due to his ties to Communist China.

The disturbing pattern in Walz’s relationship with China was uncovered by Senior reporter Paul Sperry from RealClear Investigations.

According to Sperry, Walz traveled to China annually from 1996 until at least 2003.

The Chinese government also granted Walz a special work visa, raising questions about his loyalties to his homeland and motivations.

Further, Walz has expressed a “deep admiration” for China.

Moroever, not only did dud Harri’s VP pick choose to honeymoon in China, but he also has a long commitment to fostering student exchanges between American youth and the communist state.

Fox News host Jesse Watters echoed these concerns, saying, “New VP pick Tim Walz has deep Chinese ties. He’s been to China over 30 times and doesn’t think they’re our biggest rival. In fact, he says he’ll never be treated as well as he was in China.”

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“He even set up a program to take high school students to China every summer for nearly a decade. According to reports, the Chinese government paid for some of them. While they were abroad, Walz reportedly told students to downplay their ‘American-ness,'” he added.

Watters was joined by the founder of Polaris National Security, Morgan Ortagus, to discuss the concerns.

Below is the transcript:

Jesse Watter: In back-to-back elections, Democrats have put guys with deep ties to the Chinese on the ticket. What’s that about? Polaris National Security founder and former State Department spokesperson Morgan Ortegas. Okay, 30 times to China, and then you honeymoon there. Morgan, what’s that about?

Morgan Ortagus: The honeymoon is definitely weird, a word that the governor likes to use. But what’s even weirder is the fact that you have the Chinese Communist Party paying for young students, as you mentioned, for at least 10 years, maybe 11 years, to visit China. What is the purpose of this indoctrination?

The purpose of this, the Chinese Communist Party, Jesse, is very smart. In fact, in February of 2020, then-Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, gave a speech to governors, Republican and Democrat governors around the country, and warned them and said, “This is the type of thing that the Chinese Communist Party will try to do. They will try to infiltrate. They will create Confucius centers in schools. They will try to do these people-to-people exchanges. It’s all about covering up for the fact that the government is run by a bunch of communists, communists who have an ongoing genocide, communists who are spying against the United States.”

We saw the spy balloon that traversed. And importantly, communists who knowingly and willingly send the precursors of Fentanyl to the United States, the number one killer of young people in our country, and the government knows about it.

Jesse Watter: Is Walz dim? Did he not realize he was being used by the Chinese Communist Party, or does he just like to travel there?

Morgan Ortagus: He was certainly either wittingly or unwittingly co-opted, in my opinion, by the government very early on. Again, this is a pattern. They want to take mayors, they want to take local elected officials early in their careers to China to whitewash over their many sins and many atrocities.

What doesn’t make sense to me is, according to the reports I read today, he also taught a class, a Chinese Communist Party approved class in China in 1989 when Tiananmen Square had happened. So he had to see a lot of the evils of the Chinese government firsthand.

I should note, Jesse, his beliefs on China, him wanting to engage economically and diplomatically with China are well out of the mainstream of Republicans and Democrats. President Trump changed the consensus, the foreign policy consensus in Washington, DC, for both parties.

He changed it when he came down the stairs in 2015 and started reminding everybody what a threat China was. The governor’s views are so far out of the mainstream, he and Kamala Harris have to answer, what is their China policy going to be? Because this is a stark reversal from Trump and Biden.

Jesse Watter: Well, clearly, the FBI has to open up a counterintelligence program on their campaign just to see if they’ve been compromised by the Chinese and just wiretap everybody involved. Because that’s what they do, right? That’s what they did to Trump. So it’s fair to do that to the Chinese and the Democrats. Maybe an idea. Unbelievable.


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