Pfizer Whistleblower Leaks Disturbing List of Vaccine Ingredients Previously Hidden from Public

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For years, many brave journalists have been reporting on the hidden ingredients within vaccines while Big Pharma worked with social media giants to suppress the information from reaching the public.

Now, a brave whistleblower within the ranks of one of the biggest vaccine manufacturers, has finally exposed an array of ingredients, including human fetuses, that were included in the deadly shots.

In the development of biologics (vaccines), there are six main types of cell lines, four of which involve the use of aborted fetal cells.

After years of such information being suppressed and censored, and in many cases, journalists losing their lives to get the information out to the public, the truth is finally coming out (included in the list below).

The aborted fetal cell lines include the WI-38 diploid human cell line, which is made up of fibroblasts taken from the lung tissue of a 3-month-gestation female fetus.

Vaccines also use the HEK-293 cell line, which is isolated from the kidney of a human embryo and contains the MRC-5 diploid cell line, which consists of fibroblasts isolated from the lung tissue of a white male, 14-week-old embryo.

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Since 1964, vaccines have also been derived from the RA 27/3 cell line, which was taken from attenuated fetal kidney cells.

Here is the complete list of vaccines containing the WI-38 cell line:

  1. MMR (M-M-R II)
  • Type: Live attenuated
  • Components: Measles, mumps, rubella
  1. MMR (ProQuad)
  • Type: Live attenuated
  • Components: Measles, mumps, rubella, varicella
  1. Varicella (Varivax)
  • Type: Live attenuated
  • Components: Varicella-zoster virus (chickenpox)
  1. Zoster (Zostavax)
  • Type: Live attenuated
  • Components: Varicella-zoster virus (shingles)
  1. Hepatitis A (Havrix)
  • Type: Inactivated
  • Components: Hepatitis A virus
  1. Hepatitis A (Vaqta)
  • Type: Inactivated
  • Components: Hepatitis A virus
  1. Rabies (RabAvert)
  • Type: Inactivated
  • Components: Rabies virus
  1. Rabies (Imovax)
  • Type: Inactivated
  • Components: Rabies virus
  1. Pentacel
  • Type: Combination (inactivated and toxoid)
  • Components: Diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis (DTaP), polio, Hib
  1. Kinrix
  • Type: Combination (inactivated and toxoid)
  • Components: Diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis (DTaP), polio
  1. ProQuad (MMRV)
  • Type: Live attenuated
  • Components: Measles, mumps, rubella, varicella

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Here is the full list of vaccines that contain the HEK-293 cell line:

  1. COVID-19 Vaccines
  • Comirnaty (Pfizer-BioNTech) – mRNA vaccine
  • Spikevax (Moderna) – mRNA vaccine
  • Vaxzevria (AstraZeneca/Oxford) – Viral vector vaccine
  • Johnson & Johnson’s Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine – Viral vector vaccine
  1. Shingles (Shingrix)
  • Type: Recombinant
  • Components: Recombinant varicella-zoster virus (shingles)
  1. Hepatitis A (Havrix)
  • Type: Inactivated
  • Components: Hepatitis A virus
  1. Hepatitis A (Vaqta)
  • Type: Inactivated
  • Components: Hepatitis A virus
  1. Rabies (RabAvert)
  • Type: Inactivated
  • Components: Rabies virus
  1. Rabies (Imovax)
  • Type: Inactivated
  • Components: Rabies virus
  1. Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccines
  • Gardasil 9 – Recombinant HPV vaccine
  1. Hepatitis B (HEPLISAV-B)
  • Type: Recombinant
  • Components: Hepatitis B virus surface antigen

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Here is the complete list of vaccines that contain the MRC-5 cell line:

  1. MMR Vaccine (Measles, Mumps, Rubella)
  • Examples: MMR II (Merck), Priorix (GlaxoSmithKline)
  1. Varicella Vaccine (Chickenpox)
  • Examples: Varivax (Merck), ProQuad (Merck, which combines MMR and varicella)
  1. Hepatitis A Vaccine
  • Examples: Havrix (GlaxoSmithKline), Vaqta (Merck)
  1. Rabies Vaccine
  • Examples: RabAvert (Pfizer), Imovax Rabies (Sanofi Pasteur)
  1. Polio Vaccine (Inactivated Polio Vaccine, IPV)
  • Some IPV vaccines, like those produced by various manufacturers, might use MRC-5 cells in some production processes, though often Vero cells are used.
  1. Shingles Vaccine (Herpes Zoster)
  • Examples: Zostavax (Merck, for older vaccine), Shingrix (GlaxoSmithKline, primarily produced using insect cells, but initial strains may involve MRC-5)
  1. Some Vaccines for Cancer Treatment
  • Examples: Certain experimental cancer vaccines and treatments might use MRC-5 cells.
  1. Certain Influenza Vaccines
  • Some influenza vaccines might use MRC-5 cells in their production process, though this varies widely by manufacturer and formulation.

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Here is the full list of vaccines that contain the RA 27/3 cell line:

  1. MMR Vaccine (Measles, Mumps, Rubella)
  • MMR II (Merck)
  • Priorix (GlaxoSmithKline)
  1. MMRV Vaccine (Measles, Mumps, Rubella, Varicella)
  • ProQuad (Merck)
  1. Single Antigen Rubella Vaccine
  • Meruvax II (Merck)
  • MMR (Single Antigen) (Various brands in different countries)

That’s right, those who took the deadly shots throughout the 2021 jab rollout have been pumping themselves with the blood of slain human beings.

The vaccines, which have been developed with sickening procedures behind closed doors, need to now be considered both unethical and unscientific.


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