Trudeau Regime Euthanize COVID-Vaxx Injured Man with Mental Illness Under MAID Program

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A mentally ill 40-year-old man, whose health rapidly declined after receiving three COVID-19 shots, was euthanized in Canada under Justin Trudeau’s Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) program.

Millions of vaccine-injured citizens are seen to be a “drain on the system,” so rather than pay out insurance compensation, the Canadian authoritarian Government has opted to kill off its own citizens.

Under the new program’s assessment, the man was allegedly suffering from post-COVID-19 “vaccination syndrome,” known as myalgic encephalomyelitis or chronic fatigue syndrome.

The report, which did not disclose the man’s name, is intended to identify and prompt improvements that need to be made to Canada’s legalized euthanasia program.

“This case report shows how the Canadian healthcare system abandoned a suicidal patient in need of real medical and psychiatric care,” Dr. Aaron Kheriaty reported.

“If it had not come from a government report, I would have had difficulty believing this horrifying case history.”

The brief report said the patient underwent extensive specialist consultations and clinical testing but “without determinate diagnostic results.”

He was also found to be suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder and depression.

Psychiatrists raised concerns about mental illness after the man was admitted to the hospital with suicidal ideation, the report added.

He was then involuntarily hospitalized and received in-patient psychiatric treatment during the second incidence of suicidal ideation,

“The MAiD assessors opined that the most reasonable diagnosis for Mr. A’s clinical presentation (severe functional decline) was a post-vaccine syndrome,” the report said.

The man’s cause of death was listed as “post-COVID-19 vaccination somatic symptom disorder with post-traumatic stress disorder and depressive disorder.”

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However, MAiD is not listed as the cause of death on death certificates in Ontario.

While experts raised concerns about whether the man’s mental illnesses made him ineligible for MAiD, they deemed his “post-vaccine somatic syndrome” as incurable.

Wisconsin orthopedic surgeon Dr. Joel Wallskog said he was “truly shocked by the trend of offering active euthanasia to those injured by the COVID-19 vaccines” while speaking with the Defender.

“This program ignores the basic principle in medicine of ‘first do no harm.'”

Second … this program highlights the gaslighting and the sheer abandonment of the COVID-19 vaccine-injured community,” he added.

“We need research, providers that acknowledge these injuries, and effective diagnostics and treatments. We don’t need to be sent off to slaughter.”

Third, this program is a sad reflection on the course of humanity in general. The COVID-19-injured community needs hope and support. They don’t need active euthanasia.”

Alexander Raikin, an MAiD expert, said the case captures the worst of the problems with program oversight.

“It shows that certain people with depression, with disabilities and other illnesses are not equally protected under Canadian law as healthy Canadians,” he added.

“If this man did not also have an illness caused by taking a vaccine, then he would still be alive today.”

The MAiD program was established in Canada in 2016 to provide patients the means to take their own lives) and euthanasia (the provider administers a patient’s lethal injection).

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However, more than 99% of the deaths in the program happen through euthanasia.

Initially, the program was only meant for those with “reasonably foreseeable” death; however, in 2021 (during the pandemic), the law was changed to include people with chronic conditions.

This is all part of Justin Trudeau’s Government’s agenda to eliminate large portions of its population, as death rates are soaring among those who received the deadly mRNA booster shots.

Not only are they euthanizing people with mental issues and vaccine injuries, but also infants who are deemed “useless” to society.

You only have to look at the history books to see what’s happening:

  • The Soviet Gulag State murdered 61 million citizens
  • Mao’s Communist Chinese Ant Hill murdered 35 million Chinese
  • Nazi Genocide state murdered over 20 million people

However, the above pales in comparison to the current global genocide we seeing play out before our eyes.

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