Majority of Vaxxed Men Now Infertile as ‘Sperm Replaced by Spike Proteins,’ German Pathologist Warns

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Top pathologist Prof. Dr. Arne Burkhard, who passed away unexpectedly last year, warned that men who received the COVID-19 shot have had their sperm replaced with spike proteins.

Burkhard was one of the brave medical professionals who stood against the lies perpetrated by the medical elite, sounding the truth about the damage caused by mRNA vaccine.

During one of his final lectures, the German medical examiner revealed that he discovered that spike proteins had overtaken sperm and reproductive organs after examining tissue samples from men who had died following the vaccination.

“Here you see the case where we show the testes,” Burkhardt said, pointing to a slide.

“And you can see that in this 28-year-old man who had a healthy son and who died 140 days after injection, the spike protein is in strongly expressed in the spermatogenic organ in the testes, and you can see there are almost no spermatozides in here, but it’s strongly expression of spike protein in the spermatoconic tissue.”

Dr. Burkhardt then described the same issue with the older patient.

“So also in the older person, this is an old man, and you can see here also a strong expression in the spermatogonia, there’s not one single spermatozoon in this and a strong expression of the spike protein,” he said.

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The pathologist then issued a stark warning to women against producing offspring with vaccinated males.

“If I were a woman in fertile age, I would not plan a motherhood from a person, from a man who has been vaccinated.”

Earlier this year, a study that analyzed semen samples from sperm donors found that massive fertility levels in men since the Covid vaccine rollout.

“The motile sperm concentration and total motile sperm count (TMSC) in ejaculates—both measures of sperm quality—declined by as much as 22% from 2019 to 2022,” the study said in the ‘Summary Answer’ section.

Dr. John Campbell broke down the study and discussed the likely COVID-19 vaccination link.

“Of course sperm motility is essential because it’s a long swim up to the uterine tubes where the fertilization takes place,” the doctor said.

“If sperm counts are going down, we’re not going to have many descendants are we,” he said.

“I don’t know about you, but I kind of love my race, I do love my race and I want to see it carrying on for another million years at least. Let’s hope there’s nothing to interfere with that.”

The data concludes that this is part of a sickening agenda to depopulate the planet, not just by death, but also by destroying humans’ ability to reproduce.

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