Healthy Unvaxxed Boy, 5, Ends Up in ICU After Judge Orders Him to Take 18 Shots in One Day

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An unvaccinated five-year-old boy was forced to take 18 jabs in the space of 24 hours after a Tennessee judge ordered the shots as a precondition of custody in a court battle between the child’s parents.

Per the terms set by the judge, the mother agreed to allow her son, Issac, to be forcibly inoculated.

However, just hours after receiving the shots, little Issac was rushed to the ICU and was later diagnosed with aggressive, irreversible autism.

Despite the coercive ruling, which has left Issac with severe long-term health problems, the judge remains free from any accountability.

The heartbreaking story begins in 2016, when Issac’s father, David Ihben, relocated from Chicago with his wife and three children.

Three years later, the couple’s marriage broke down, and they entered a brutal custody dispute.

Judge Todd Burnett, known for his pro-vaccine stance, told the parents during the proceedings that he believed unvaccinated children constituted child abuse.

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Burnett then gave the parents a choice, which would ultimately ruin little Issac’s life, granting custody to whichever parent agreed to vaccinate him.

Father, David Ihben, recounted the brutal moment during the judge’s heavy-handed approach, as his parental rights were stripped away under medical tyranny.

Pressure mounted on the parents until the mother eventually buckled, agreeing to vaccinate her son in order for the judge to grant her custody.

But this decision would alter little Issac’s life forever.

The very same day, Issac received 18 vaccine injections, while his siblings were given multile shots on separate days due to allergies, with the eldest child ending up in ICU.

Isaac was later rushed to the hospital as his condition began to decline rapidly, developing a 106-degree fever.

The previously healthy, happy kid then spent 12 days in the ICU battling an onslaught of severe health complications.

Tragically, Isaac was diagnosed with severe regressive autism, leaving him requiring around-the-clock care.

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“I never thought I’d have to deal with something like this,” the father said, recalling how the judge’s decision destroyed his family.

The mother, who won the custody battle, was left with an autistic son and eventually abandoned the family due to the pressure of round-the-clock medical care and financial burdens.

Ihben, who initially refused to vaccinate his son, was left to raise the children alone.

The implications of this case extend beyond the Ihben family, raising questions about medical autonomy, parental rights, and the role of the judicial system and Child Protective Services (CPS).

An unvaccinated child is not an abused child, as the sadistic judge believed; quite the opposite, in fact.

A child that is free from poisons in vaccines has a much better chance of a healthy, happy life.

Tragically, Issac did not get to choose his life’s trajectory; the judge decided it for him.

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