Leaked Documents Confirm Pfizer’s COVID-Vaccine Was a Bio-Weapon

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As the COVID vaccine continues to claim the lives of millions of people across the world, new evidence has emerged that Pfizer was not only aware of the risks of the deadly shots, it actively pushed out the NATO controlled military-grade “bio-weapon.”

The COVID-19 pandemic was a military operation planned for decades.

Last year, Robert Kennedy Jr warned, “There are 138 companies involved in the manufacture and distribution of the Covid vaccine and they are all military companies – The Pentagon and the NSA directed the entire response to the pandemic.”

Fast forward to 2024, Dutch Health Minister Marie Fleur Agema admitted that COVID-19 was indeed a “military operation” orchestrated by NATO.

Fleur Agema said the Dutch pandemic policy in 2021 was “under the direction of National Coordinator for Security and Counterterrorism (NCTV) and Defense.”

Mass genocide perpetrated by our own Governments is no longer a “conspiracy,” it’s now “fact.”

The news comes after new explosive documents show that Pfizer was well aware of the dangers of its COVID-19 shots but pushed them on the world anyway.

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One document shows Pfizer’s “Cumulative Analysis of Post-Authorization Adverse Event Reports of PF-07302048 (BNT162B2) Received Through 28-Feb-2021”, with numbers referring to the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine

The document, which contains post-authorization safety data, notes that Pfizer’s safety database records adverse events reported to the manufacturer, health authorities, and other sources.

It contains disturbing chart, specifically highlighting adverse events following vaccination, including disorders of the nervous system, musculoskeletal, gastrointestinal, skin-related, and cardiac.

Events reported showed more than 2% of cases, including, tachycardia, myalgia, nausea, fatigue, and numerous others.

It doesn’t stop there.

There was also a long list of adverse events of special interest (AESI) and concerns related to the vaccine requiring close monitoring after clinical trials.

The appendix contains NINE pages of adverse events of particular interest.

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Journalist Naomi Wolf recently exposed how Pfizer and the FDA obscured serious injuries related to COVID-19 vaccines from the public.

Titled, “The Pfizer Papers: Pfizer’s Crimes Against Humanity,” Wolf detailed the full scope of the jab’s effects with the help of top doctors who derivated data from public reporting systems and Pfizer itself.

Wolf, who went from working with mainstream media outlets to exposing the truth about Big Pharma, said the reports made it clear that Pfizer knew about the vaccines’ many dangers.

“In other words, damaging humans in very specific ways, very early on, was obviously a result of these injections. And instead of stopping, or pulling them off the market, Pfizer doubled down, the FDA doubled down and the CDC [Centers for Disease Control and Prevention] doubled down,” she told The Defender.

The fact that Pfizer doubled down despite knowing that people died from the jabs during the first three months reinforces reports and testimonies that the vaccine was nothing more than a bioweapon used to kill millions.

Wolf also drew attention to Pfizer’s manipulation of data to gain the FDA’s support for emergency use authorization (EUA).

Australian anesthesiologists also found that Pfizer postponed recording deaths to avoid including them in theory EUA data filing.

The Pfizer Papers show that almost 160,000 adverse events were reported in the first three months after the company received its EUA.

Wolf notes that the effects weren’t minor issues like headaches or injection pain, it was much much worse.

“These are tens of thousands of blood clots, lung clots, leg clots, neurological disorders, epilepsies, dementia, Alzheimer’s, bell’s palsy, tremors, convulsions, liver damage, kidney damage, stroke, so many kinds of skin eruptions, eye damage, blindness, respiratory illness,” she said.

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