Supporters of former President Donald Trump in Pennsylvania have been receiving death threats in letters posted to their personal addresses.
MAGA supporters in the Democratic stronghold of Philadelphia had received threatening letters sent through the United States Postal Service.
The letter somehow bypassed checks via the Postal Service security by pretending to be a letter sent by the Trump campaign.
Pennsylvania is being targeted because it is considered to be one of the most crucial states in the 2024 election.
The letter begins with “Dear neighbor,” claiming to thank the Trump supporter for “being engaged in the election” and for their “participation in the process.”
🚨 BREAKING: Trump supporters in Pennsylvania – where Trump himself was shot – are facing threats of violence.
— Eric Daugherty (@EricLDaugh) October 17, 2024
The voters are located in Philadelphia and received these frightening letters.
Very ominously, the letter starts relatively normally, but toward the end, gets…
It then claims to be concerned about “the level of political violence in the country during this election year as well as the threats to our democracy and freedoms.”
“So, we are asking you to take a closer look at the truth, facts and the future for a better America where we can all live in harmony together,” claims the sender of the letter before going on to cite reasons not to vote for Trump.
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These false claims include:
Trump is a “rapist”
An “immoral flawed man”
An instigator of the violence that occurred at the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, and the Charlottesville car attack on Aug. 12, 2017.
“By supporting him, you are declaring your public support for a disregard of the law, civil discourse, and unity. You are indicating your hatred of minorities, immigrants, foreigners, women, education, the rights of your fellow citizens, the rights of women to make decisions over their own healthcare needs,” the letter read.
“You are entitled to all of this. However, this is a reminder that your visible support comes with a price and at a cost. There will be consequences,” threatened the sender.
The signatory also threatened violence against the Trump supporter.
“But more importantly, we know where you live; you are in the database. In the dead of a cold winter’s night, this year or next year and beyond, there is no knowing what may happen,” the letter threatened.
“Your property, your family may be impacted, your cat may get shot. And more.”
“Your vote for this guy is seen as treading on my rights. You tread on me at your peril, motherf—–. We look forward to visiting in the future,” concluded the threatening letter, with a note at the end claiming that it came from a “patriotic citizen and a true American” who is supposedly “acting to save America from the GOP.”