‘Morning Joe’ Begs Biden Team to Push President Out: ‘Do the Right Thing!’

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‘Morning Joe’ host Joe Scarborough has called on Joe Biden‘s top aides to admit there is no path to victory and push him out.

Scarborough and his co-host, Mika Brzezinski, have supported Biden over the last three years, even inviting him to explain away his dismal debate performance.

However, Scarborough made an abrupt u-turn on his support for Biden.

Biden “has been an extremely successful president,” Scarborough began.

“However, when you’re told by members of Congress that they’re losing, they’re gonna lose the House and the Senate if he stays on the ticket; when you’re told by members of Congress that you’re losing swing states and that your numbers are going down in swing states – states like Virginia and New Hampshire, New Mexico, Minnesota – are now in play; and when your top fundraiser… is telling you the money’s gone, the donors have all gone away… you know, it’s really incumbent on the people that are around Joe Biden to step up at this point and help the president and the man they love and do the right thing,” he added.

“This is not going to end well if it continues to drag out.”


“Look at the events of yesterday. The events of the last three weeks, and at some point, you know… I can tell you the anger that I hear is not at Joe Biden.”

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“The anger I hear are the people that are keeping him in a bubble or who may have their own interests, some financial, in keeping him in the race.”

“Let me tell you: that’s not just the anger from inside Congress. That is anger from inside his own political campaign, and it is widespread,” he added.

“Joe Biden deserves better.”

As other media, Democrats, and Hollywood have bailed on Biden, the president has now lost two of his most trusted spin masters at MSNBC.

Biden is at the point of no return as longtime allies like Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer move to dump him in the trash.

However, Biden’s aides insist the president will not resign, suggesting he would not endorse Vice President Kamala Harris, instead opting to let uncommitted delegates on the floor of next month’s Democratic National Convention be swayed by any and all contenders

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