Australia is facing a total collapse of its population due to plummeting fertility rates and unprecedented death rates following the vaccine rollout.
The soaring death rates in the country coincide with extremely low birth rates, meaning the 1.5 babies per woman being born last year are well below the replacement level.
Unsurprisingly, the worst state is The People’s Socialist Republic of Victoria, where the fertility rate has collapsed to a catastrophic low of just 1.39.

While the media and Governments have gaslighted us for years about the dangers of an “overpopulated planet,” it now appears the WHO and its corporate partners have their agenda well underway to “fix the problem.”
But it’s not just Australia; it is the entire Western civilization.
For those paying attention, the depopulation agenda is no secret, as they’ve openly told what they plan to do.
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As we highlighted last week, the heavily redacted infamous Pfizer documents admit that the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 was just the start of a 5-year plan to depopulate the world.
Part of that agenda was interfering with the human reproductive system with spike proteins administered through the mRNA vaccine.
We recently cited a lecture from top pathologist Prof. Dr. Arne Burkhard, who warned that the COVID-19 shot was designed to replace sperm with spike proteins in men.
Spike proteins effectively overtake sperm and ravage productive organs, causing men to become infertile.
A recent study analyzed semen samples from sperm donors and found massive infertility levels in men since the jab rollout.
“The motile sperm concentration and total motile sperm count (TMSC) in ejaculates—both measures of sperm quality—declined by as much as 22% from 2019 to 2022,” the study said in the ‘Summary Answer’ section.
The Scientific American claims that “Declining populations will ease the pressure eight billion people put on the planet.”
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“Where our current model of endless growth and short-term profits sacrifices vulnerable people and the planet’s future, population decline could help create a future with more opportunity and a healthy, biologically rich world.”
It’s no surprise that these WEF/WHO-funded media outlets are telling us that our own demise is good for us.
To add insult to injury, WEF professor Bill McGuire even openly called for the “involuntary depopulation” of billions of humans in order to save the planet from “climate change.”
While the fertility rate has been falling steadily since the 1970s, the 2021 vaccine rollout turbocharged the decline, adding an exponential death rate.
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