Louisiana Passes Bill Ordering Convicted Pedophiles to Be Surgically Castrated

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Republican lawmakers in Louisiana passed a new bill this week granting powers to judges to order surgical castration of pedophiles found guilty of child sex crimes, including rape, incest, and molestation.

The state became the third behind Florida and Texas to allow the chemical castration of pedophiles in certain circumstances.

However, Louisiana would become the first state to impose surgical castration of child predators.

Republican state Sen. Valarie Hodges said of the bill that “this is a consequence” of molesting young children.

“It’s a step over and beyond just going to jail and getting out.”

State Sen. Regina Barrow, a Democrat, authored the legislation, but her fellow Democratic lawmakers overwhelmingly voted against it.

“We are talking about babies who are being violated by somebody. That is inexcusable,” Barrow said about the proposed legislation.

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“For me, when I think about a child, one time is too many.”

TGP reports: While castration is typically associated with men, Barrow noted that the law could also apply to women.

She emphasized that the decision to impose this punishment would be made on a case-by-case basis and at each judge’s discretion.

According to the legislation, if an offender “fails to appear or refuses to undergo” surgical castration after it has been ordered by a judge, they could be charged with “failure to comply” and face an additional prison sentence of three to five years.

It also requires a medical expert to “determine whether that offender is an appropriate candidate” for the procedure before it is performed.

The bill will now head to Gov. Jeff Landry’s desk. He has not yet confirmedwhether he will sign it into law.