Mainstream Media Airs Shocking Segment About ‘Turbo Cancer’ as Epidemic Becomes Too Big to Ignore

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The establishment propaganda machines can no longer ignore the “Turbo cancer” epidemic as millions continue to die following the rollout of the deadly mRNA jabs.

Otustandly, Fox News 45 Baltimore gave airtime to censored doctor Paul Marik to talk about the sudden aggressive onset of cancers in those who took the jab.

Turbo cancers have become an emerging problem in young, healthy people following the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccine.

Dr Marik made a shocking connection about what’s causing it, which completely goes against the Big Pharma-sponsored mainstream media narrative.

It’s hard to believe his segment actually aired, but here it is.


“There seems to be an association… between vaccination, particularly the boosters, and the development of turbo cancer.”

Are we witnessing a shift in the narrative because turbo cancers are now too big to ignore?

RELATED: Doctors Sound Alarm About Cancer Epidemic in Young People: ‘We’ve NEVER Seen This Before’

Don’t hold your breath.

Alternative media outlets like ourselves have been left with the job of getting this crucial information out to the public.

As we reported in October, a top pathologist sounded the alarm after a massive 55% increase in “rapid and aggressive cancers” among 18 to 69-year-olds who received the COVID-19 jab.

According to an extensive study in Croatia conducted by Ivana Pavic, out of the 55% of the age group that received the experimental shot, 65% of the carcinoma cases received one or more vaccines.

This means that the fully vaccinated chances of getting turbo cancer are increased by 55%.

Nobody was warned about this risk before getting the shot, and those who blindly listened to their so-called “medical professionals” are now paying the price.

There is no denying it; the chances of getting turbo cancer depend on whether you are vaccinated or not.


RELATED: Top Genomics Expert: ‘Components of Pfizer Vaccine Being Found in Cancerous Tumors’